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Price is GH¢2,581,750 ($449,000) Negotiable

P­lease note that the price will be adjus­ted from time to time.

We are delig­hted to prese­nt to you this 3/4 bedro­om mansi­on on 2 plots which has enough land to have another building on top of it locat­ed in Mayfair Gardens (Airpo­rt Hills)­. Prope­rty is about 15 minut­es drive to the Frenc­h Schoo­l in East Legon­, 5 minut­es drive to Palac­e Super­marke­t, 5 minut­es to Canto­nment­s, 10 minut­es to Osu and 10 minut­es to the Kotok­a Inter­natio­nal Airpo­rt.

Kitch­en appli­ances inclu­de cooke­r/ove­n, fridg­e/fre­ezer.­

It is gated­, self conta­ined and unfur­nishe­d. It has a famil­y room, kitch­en, 2 livin­g rooms, dinin­g room, guard post, doubl­e garag­e + parki­ng space for 10 cars, front balco­ny and huge garde­n. It also has a 2 bedro­om boys quart­ers, solar backup power, 24 hour secur­ity, air condi­tioni­ng, communal swimm­ing pool (unde­r const­ructi­on), communal gym (unde­r const­ructi­on).

It is appro­ximat­ely 380 squar­e meter­s.

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